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COVID-19 Update: Masks are Mandatory

by Desirae Barker

Oct 1, 2020

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Abby Pelletier, Photo by Desirae

Currently, the best public health evidence available states that masks are extremely important in preventing the contraction and spread of the COVID-19. Everyone accessing a GDI (NITEP, SUNTEP, GDC, DTI, and GDITE) facility or program location is expected to wear a face mask in all indoor common spaces where physical distancing is not possible. This may include hallways, lobbies, classrooms, labs, study spaces, elevators, and other designated shared spaces. Masks will be available onsite for visitors who do not have their own masks.

Students and staff may wear their own personal face covering (non-medical mask or cloth face-coverings) as long as they meet appropriate guidelines. Non-medical mask or cloth face-coverings must allow for easy breathing, fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops, maintain their shape after washing and drying, be comfortable and not require frequent adjustment, not impair vision or interfere with tasks, be made of multiple layers (2+) of breathable cotton fabric or linen (e.g. not plastic). The Government of Canada recommends woven cotton e.g. quilting fabric or cotton sheets, and not be shared with others.

This is a reminder to please follow all mask use guidelines and ensure you are informed about the Institute’s most current COVID-19 procedures and updates. Information about COVID-19 can be found here: https://gdins.org/covid-19/ and on the intranet.

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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