Friday, January 20, 2017 – 9:30am-3:30pm
Bringing Métis Children’s Literature to Life
Location in Saskatoon – TBA
Registration $300.00—includes resource kit featuring resources used in the teacher guidebook (Over $325 value!)
Lunch Provided
Saturday, January 21, 2017 – 9:30am-3:30pm
Métis Dance
Location in Saskatoon – TBA
Registration $100.00—includes five resources featuring dance (Over $80 value!)
Lunch Provided
Choose one workshop or attend both at a discounted rate of $350!
Email to register.
Details of the workshops:
Bringing Métis Children’s Literature to Life is a guidebook for teachers to support the children’s literature published by the Gabriel Dumont Institute (GDI). Not only will teachers be able to teach about the Métis but they will also utilize strategies that foster and promote literacy development (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and representing).
Métis children’s literature is found in classrooms, school libraries, and public libraries all across Canada. Teachers use the books in various ways to bring awareness of the culture and teach outcomes. However, teachers are not always an “insider” in the culture, and often search for ideas on how to incorporate Métis content into their practice. There is a desire by teachers to be more inclusive, but they may not know how. This resource assists teachers in being culturally responsive while at the same time allowing them to teach provincial outcomes.
In our Métis Dance workshop, participants will learn several Métis dances that they can use in their classroom with their students. Participants will learn and practice calls for a square dance (first change), a contra dance (Rabbit Dance), and several fancy steps of the Red River Jig. Practical tips on organizing and teaching the dance will be incorporated throughout the session. Métis dance is for everyone. Come and experience the culture through dance!
Please dress with appropriate footwear and light clothing and bring a water bottle. Come prepared to dance!