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National Indigenous Peoples Day – Batoche


The Gabriel Dumont Institute, Friends of Batoche, and Batoche National Historic Site–Parks Canada invite everyone to Batoche on June 21, 2022 for National Indigenous Peoples Day.

The site is open 9–5 daily, Monday to Friday, during which visitors can be at the visitor centre, on a guided tour, or on a hike. Visitors can get around on foot or by the People Mover, which will take people to various places at the site.

The formal program for National Indigenous Peoples Day is from 11AM to 2PM.

  • The MC is performing artist Donny Parenteau who will introduce Elder Margaret Harrison, the Smoking Sage Drummers from One Arrow First Nation, anthem singer Angela Rancourt, and writer and curator Gregory Scofield to highlight some of the special guests.
  • Visitors will also have the pleasure of taking in the art exhibition in the visitor centre. It highlights hooked and braided rugs; older examples made by Métis women and newer examples made by local Métis men and women. The exhibition is a collaboration between the Gabriel Dumont Local 11 (Saskatoon), Friends of Batoche, and the Gabriel Dumont Institute. Artisan and Elder Margaret Harrison, who also teaches this Métis artistic expression, has made some of the rugs featured.
  • For this special day, the cafeteria at BNHS will feature bison stew, bannock, and Saskatoon berry tarts. The bannock caravan outside the visitor centre will offer visitors a taste of bannock.

Come and celebrate the Indigenous Peoples of this land, the Métis, the First Nations, and the Inuit, on this special day!

We hope to see you there!

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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