Gabriel Dumont Institue

The Return of the Bell of Batoche

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The Return of the Bell of Batoche Written by Andrea Menard, Robert Walsh

This song was inspired by the Keeper of the Bell who liberated the Bell of Batoche from Millbrook, Ontario in 1991. He imparted the story of the bell or “Marie Antoinette” to Andrea Menard, who in turn collaborated with her long-time co-writer, Robert Walsh. Together they created a song to commemorate this historic event.

Produced by Robert Walsh Executive Producer – Gabriel Dumont Institute


Lead Vocals: Andrea Menard
Guitarist: Robert Walsh
Mandolin & Keyboards: Robert Walsh
Bass: Don Benedictson
Drums & Percussion: Daniel Roy
Violin: Daniel Gervais
Backup Vocals: Andrea Menard, Robert Walsh

Recording Studios: Unity Gain Productions in Roseisle, Manitoba – Don Benedictson
Time & Place Studios in Edmonton, Alberta – Robert Walsh

Mix Engineer: Don Benedictson
Mastering Engineer: Allen Hunnie

All proceeds will be used for the Métis Veterans Monument Project.

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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