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Frequently Asked Questions

The Gabriel Dumont Institute will update this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page as more questions and concerns arise.

If you have additional questions, comments, or concerns that are not answered on this self-serve FAQ please contact your immediate supervisor, instructor, manager, or human resources.

This FAQ page was last updated on: September 17, 2021

What is GDI’s requirement for the Covid-19 vaccine?
GDI’s situation is unique, delivering programs and services in communities across the province. There will not be a one-size-fits-all approach to fall delivery, but rather what’s best for each program and location. Due to the program brokering arrangements of GDI, brokered programs will follow the guidelines as determined by the accrediting institution (U of S; U of R; Saskatchewan Polytechnic; SIIT). GDI’s response will be tailored to the accrediting institution and the best needs of each particular program and community in question.

In order to keep GDI facilities and campuses safe, GDI is strongly encouraging all students, faculty, and staff to receive their COVID-19 vaccine as soon as reasonably possible.

Attestation of vaccination status remains with each individual and is on the honour system. In the interest of safety within our communities, those who have not been fully vaccinated will be expected to self-monitor with regular rapid testing two times per week (Monday and Thursday) and complete a daily symptom checklist before participating in any in-person activities. Anyone who is feeling unwell should not attend a GDI facility. Anyone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or who receives a positive rapid test should follow SHA guidelines, call the Healthline at 811, and make arrangements to be tested. It is up to each of us to keep our community safe.


Are masks mandatory in all GDI facilities? Why?
GDI is actively monitoring the changes of COVID-19 across the province. Face masks will continue to be mandatory in all common areas in all GDI locations, disposable masks will be available at each entrance. The well-being of GDI students, faculty, and staff continues to guide the decision on the continued use of face masks.


What is GDI doing to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff as we return to in-person classes?

  • At this time, face masks will be required.
  • Students, faculty, and staff will complete daily health checks.
  • Enhanced cleaning protocols for high-touch surfaces will continue.
  • Signage will be used to raise awareness of basic health and safety measures.
  • Social distancing will be encouraged.
  • Faculty will be encouraged to take regular attendance.
  • PPE supplies made available

Will GDI facilities be open to the public?
On August 3, 2021, all GDI buildings opened to the public. As previously stated, masks are mandatory and will continue to be provided at the entrance of all GDI buildings.

With the increased traffic to our buildings, we advise everyone to continue using caution by sanitizing and social distancing when possible.

Where will I get my vaccine? Do I have to book an appointment? We encourage students and employees to get vaccinated as soon as possible in their home community if possible. GDI is working with SHA to host pop-up vaccine clinics in GDI-owned facilities.

For specific GDI Drop-In Vaccine Clinic information and locations click here.

At GDI vaccine clinics, appointments will not be necessary, vaccines will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. Visit the link below for more information on how and where you can get vaccinated. https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/health-care-administration-and-provider-resources/treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-public-health-issues/2019-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine/vaccine-booking


If I received my first dose of the vaccine from an SHA clinic or drive-thru clinic, can I get the second dose at a pop-up clinic at GDI?
If you have already received your first dose elsewhere, you may receive the second dose at a GDI pop-up vaccine clinic. Please note more information on times, locations, and what vaccine will be available at the pop-up in the upcoming weeks. More information on pop-up vaccine clinics’ locations and times will be shared via email, social media, and here. when available.

I cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. Do I have to request a medical exemption?
Exemptions from/accommodation for the COVID-19 protocols may be granted for verifiable medical or religious/creed-based reasons under The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. If an accommodation request is granted, students/faculty/staff may be subject to additional protocols and/or restrictions.


Does GDI accept creed/religious-based exemptions?Exemptions from/accommodation for the COVID-19 protocols may be granted for verifiable medical or religious/creed-based reasons under The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. If an accommodation request is granted, students/faculty/staff may be subject to additional protocols and/or restrictions.


My program is fully online – do I still require a vaccine?

GDI encourages all students and employees to get vaccinated. We will continue to move programs and services back to in-person as it seems feasible and safe to do so.


If I have one dose of the vaccine do I still need to take the rapid tests each week before attending GDI facilities?
In the interest of safety within our communities, those who have not been fully vaccinated will be expected to self-monitor with regular rapid testing two times per week (Monday and Thursday) and complete a daily symptom checklist before participating in any in-person activities.


How do I provide proof of my vaccine status?
Vaccination status remains with each individual and is on the honour system, proof of vaccine status is not needed at this time. 


Do I still need to wear a mask if I am fully vaccinated?
Yes. GDI will continue to follow additional health and safety protocols, including mask-wearing, hand-washing, and other possible measures, as required.


Can we ask for proof of vaccination from students and staff?
GDI has chosen not to request students and staff to declare their vaccine status.


Is proof of vaccination required to gain entry to our facilities?
GDI, as an educational institution, does not fall under the businesses/organizations that are required to check vaccine status/vaccine passports to offer service. At this time GDI will not be asking clients for their vaccine status.

Please see the list of businesses that require vaccine status/vaccine passports:

  1. Proof of Vaccination for Public Access
  • Effective October 1, 2021, a provincial requirement for proof of vaccination or negative test will be implemented for public access to a list of establishments, businesses, and event venues that bring groups of people together, including:
  • Indoor dining at restaurants;
  • Nightclubs, bars, taverns, and other licensed establishments;
  • Event and entertainment venues, including conference centers, casinos, movie theatres, concert venues, live-music venues, museums, and indoor facilities hosting ticketed sporting events;
  • Indoor fitness centers, and gyms.

However, visitors are still required to do the self-screening and must be masked at all times.

What is a Covid-19 rapid test?

GDI is in the process of procuring rapid take-home testing kits. Rapid testing is a safe and simple method to test an individual for Covid-19 that delivers a result in 15 minutes. The process includes collecting a simple nasal swab and processing the test instantly. Rapid testing is for screening purposes only, those with Covid-19 symptoms cannot be tested and will be required to immediately self-isolate, contact HealthLine 811, and arrange for PCR testing.


When is a Covid-19 rapid test required?
In the interest of safety within our communities, those who have not been fully vaccinated will be expected to self-monitor with regular rapid testing two times per week (Monday and Thursday) and complete a daily symptom checklist before participating in any in-person activities. GDI is in the process of procuring rapid take-home testing kits. More information on rapid testing will be released in the upcoming weeks.


Who will perform my rapid test? How will I get the test done?
Rapid tests will be available at GDI Facilities as a take-home kit. These tests will be self-administered off-site at your convenience.

Please visit https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/health-care-administration-and-provider-resources/treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-public-health-issues/2019-novel-coronavirus/testing-information/rapid-testing for more information on self-administering rapid testing.

Click here for GDI’s rapid testing instructions: Rapid Test Instructions

Do I have to get a rapid test done often if I’m not vaccinated? How will I get the test done?
Students, staff, and faculty who are not fully vaccinated will be expected to self-monitor with regular rapid testing two times per week (Monday and Thursday) and complete a daily symptom checklist before participating in any in-person activities. Rapid Tests are self-administered and will be available at GDI Locations for pick up.


How do we know the unvaccinated are really taking the tests?
Rapid tests will be completed on the honour system. With the safety of our communities in mind, unvaccinated staff and students will be expected to do their part to keep themselves and the people around them safe.


Do PARTIALLY Vaccinated students and staff have to complete rapid tests?
Partially vaccinated individuals are expected to complete Rapid Tests once a week until 14 days AFTER the date of the second Covid-19 Vaccine dose.


Will staff have access to do a Random Rapid Test – even if double-vaccinated?
Unfortunately, at this time Rapid Tests will not be able available to staff and students who are fully vaccinated.


Do staff and students who are unvaccinated have to report their negative results each week?
At this time, the Rapid Tests will be done on the honour system. In the interest of safety within our communities, unvaccinated staff and students are expected to self-monitor with regular rapid testing one time per week (day 1 of individuals in office work or in-class learning) and complete a daily symptom checklist before participating in any in-person activities.

I’m feeling anxious and stressed about Covid-19. Is there anyone at GDI I can talk to?
Yes, all GDI students, faculty, and staff have access to confidential mental health and counselling support including immediate access to counsellors 24/7 at no cost to the individual. Services are available through a variety of modalities including toll-free telephone, video counselling, online chat, in-person counselling, and a mobile app. Information on how to access these services will be shared directly with GDI students, faculty, and staff.


Who do I contact if I think I have Covid-19?
Call Health Line at 811. For the most up-to-date information on how to access support and/or where to get tested please visit: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/health-care-administration-and-provider-resources/treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-public-health-issues/2019-novel-coronavirus/testing-information


I tested positive for Covid-19, now what do I do?
Follow the directions from public health (811) and immediately contact your instructor, program coordinator, or immediate supervisor to let them know the results of your Covid-19 test.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) is responsible for the contact tracing process to identify and notify people who may have been exposed to COVID-19, including your GDI instructor and peers. To protect the privacy of all involved, GDI cannot share students’ or employees’ COVID test results.

Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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