Oct 23, 2019
Posted in: Child Care, Community Support, Education
Finding a reliable, quality, and affordable childcare can be a challenge for many families. For those (re)entering the work force or returning to school, the challenge may be even greater. Over the years, Dumont Technical Institute students discussed their experiences with finding child care spaces. The Institute not only offered support, but also started offering Early Childhood Education (ECE) program to train those who work with our children.
To ensure that children receive quality care, guidelines were put in place for qualifications for childcare workers. Effective January 2002, all staff employed in a childcare centre for at least 65 hours per month had to meet the qualifications of an Early Childhood Education Level 1 (ECE I) certification. The credential involves 120 hour childcare orientation course or equivalent provided through regional or community colleges. Licenced childcare facilities were required to have 30% of their staff to have completed a one year certificate in Early Childhood Education or equivalent by January 2005. A further 20% of staff must have a two year diploma or equivalent by 2007. Individuals must apply to the Ministry of Education for certification. (Source: Childcarecanada.org)
With this new standard of certification, the demand for ECE’s has increased significantly. Dumont Technical Institute is currently offering Early Childhood Education Level 1 program in North Battleford. The program has a cohort of 12 students who are expected to graduate on April 12th 2019. Upon completion of the program, the graduates will be able to find employment in child care centres, preschools, family day homes, and elementary schools. The 12 students will have completed their in-class ECE courses: ECE 106 – Role of Play in Early Childhood Education; ECE 142 – Health, Safety and Nutrition; and HUMD 183 – Child Guidance along with First Aid/CPR, Food Safe and WHMIS by March 29th before going on a two week work placement.
With the need for certified Early Childhood Educators increasing, DTI has also decided to run the program in La Loche starting April 1st. Many applicants are currently working in the pre-school, daycare, elementary, and high schools and need to get their certification to match their employment requirements. DTI is proud to provide the ECE program and to help address the growing need for childcare in our Métis communities.