Mar 8, 2018
Posted in: Community Support
Darcie DeBruyne and James Oloo
Last year, after much consultation within the Dumont Technical Institute Regina, we submitted a request to the City of Regina Transit Fare Assistance Program. This was in response to an existing need and was intended to empower our students and clients who had difficulty accessing transportation around the city. The request was approved and the Institute was allocated 400 2-Ride Adult Passes worth $2,600.
We learned a few lessons from the experience. There were many students who had difficulty getting rides or affording bus fare. Having the bus tickets available was very helpful to many students and clients who did not have to worry about coming to school, going for appointments, or running errands. We also learned that the City of Regina Transit Fare Assistance Program is an annual program that non-profit organizations could apply for each year.
Last month, Darcie DeBruyne sent another application to the City of Regina. On January 22, 2018, she received an email from Nathan Luhning, the Manager of Business Development in the City’s Transit Department, informing us that the request had been approved. The email stated that the Institute “has been allocated the following for the 2018 Transit Fare Assistance Program: $1,560 (240 – 2 Ride Adult Passes).”
We are very thankful to the City of Regina. Their assistance will help reduce some of the stress and anxiety. Our students and clients will be able to come to school or make their appointment with GDI Training and Employment on those days they are struggling with transportation. It is through generosity and supports from programs such as the Transit Fair Assistance, that help us make positive impacts on our Métis students and clients and help clear the road to their success.