Gabriel Dumont Institue


GDI’s Pathways for Entrepreneurship Program Grows with Government of Canada Investment

By Brendon Demerais

Aug 10, 2020

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GDI’s Pathways for Entrepreneurship Program Grows with Government of Canada Investment


On August 9, 2020, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) announced $895,000 to support Indigenous Peoples in fully participating in the economic growth of Saskatchewan, with $745,000 being allocated to Gabriel Dumont Institute Training and Employment (GDITE).


As part of this funding, GDITE has partnered with WD to build on a successful entrepreneurship pilot program focused on Métis entrepreneurs in Saskatchewan. The Pathways for Entrepreneurship program develops capacity among Métis entrepreneurs through unique supports. The program has developed several in-house training workshops for Métis entrepreneurs, including: A Métis start-up entrepreneurs’ workshop; cash-flow, financial management and credit workshops; digital marketing; a 15-week professional business planning series, and a 150- hour Adult Basic Education course. Supports for business consulting, external training, and a self-employment transitional allowance are designed to cultivate Métis entrepreneurship in Saskatchewan and support economic diversification.


“The mutual partnership with WD will help the Gabriel Dumont Institute support Métis entrepreneurs on their journey toward business start-up or expansion. Since the days of the fur trade, the Métis continue to embody a bold entrepreneurial spirit. GDI is enthusiastic to provide Métis communities and entrepreneurs with programs and services to advance Métis economic inclusion and development in Saskatchewan,” said Geordy McCaffrey, GDI Executive Director.


Find out more about GDI’s Pathways for Entrepreneurship Program here:


See full media release here:



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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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