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Healthy Campus Saskatchewan comes to DTI

By Darcie DeBruyne, Program Support Facilitator, DTI

Apr 7, 2021

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Healthy Campus Saskatchewan (HCS) was born out of a desire for post-secondary institutions to support the health and wellbeing of all students. HCS includes 19 post-secondary institutes and various community organizations throughout the province.

HCS’s vision is to create healthy, resilient campus communities where students feel safe and supported. Their goal is for students to have the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to achieve their personal, academic, and future career goals.

The Dumont Technical Institute (DTI) was approached about becoming a partner in this initiative by creating a Peer Health Outreach Support Group within our institute. The group currently consists of three DTI student volunteers who are working together to create and present on topics they feel are important to their fellow peers. The goal of the group is to bring forward a new presentation every month.

All DTI students can have access to the Peer Heath Outreach Support Group presentations; they will be posted on Brightspace in the “KeepmeSAFE” section.

The student volunteers completed their first Peer Health presentation to the Regina Office Admin program on March 2, 2021. The group presented on “Healthy Relationships.” They presented a “Healthy Relationships” PowerPoint, played a Kahoot game, had discussion time, and ended with a student survey. The presentation was well received by the Office Administration students and is now posted in Brightspace. Make sure to check it out!

It is incredible to see and hear the excitement in the student volunteers. They are working together, increasing their self-confidence, learning, gaining valuable skills, and supporting each other while working on this project. Looking forward to seeing what else they will be creating.



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Gabriel Dumont Institue

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