Oct 13, 2015
Posted in: Uncategorized
By Gareth Griffiths
As indicated in the August GDI Communicator, we are working with SaskTel and the Ministry of Advanced Education to provide Enterprise grade high speed connections to our main campuses. Work is completed for Saskatoon, Regina and Prince Albert; and negotiations continue in La Loche.
SaskTel Select Wi-Fi
SaskTel Select has been installed in over 800 locations through Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert, Moose Jaw and North Battleford. This feature allows SaskTel mobile devices to connect automatically to Wi-Fi, enabling data access without impacting any mobile data plans. More information can be found here: http://www.sasktel.com/wps/wcm/connect/content/home/wireless/wi-fi/
Safety Videos
The Institute has access to a whole range of safety videos through safetyhub.com. These videos cover such topics as safety basics, manual handling, office safety, hazardous substances and forklifts.
These would be a great resource for OHS committees, for instructors to use in class and any other Institute function. To access these, there is a safety videos link on the intranet. To gain access to the intranet, please contact IT support at support@gdins.org.
IT Support System
The upgrade to Track-IT 11.4 is now complete. There are some changes that really enhance the experience. For example, if you created the Work Order, now you are able to reply to an email received from the “GDI Support Team” and the email details will be added to the Work Order automatically.
In August, 41 new Work Orders were received into Track-IT. Of these, 36 are now closed (87% completion rate). Overall we closed 22 Work Orders in the month. There are currently 47 open Work Orders. Please contact us at support@gdins.org for any IT-related issue.
The website (www.gdins.org) had 3,412 pageviews (including 2,893 unique pageviews) in August. About 29% of visitors to the home page clicked on What We Offer, 19% used the search function, 18% each scrolled through the News and Events items, and 9.4% went to the Contact Us page.
Social Media Summary
Analytics for our Social Media channels in August were as follows. Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/gabrieldumontinstitute): Total number of people liking the page grew by 36 to 959. Total Engagements (number of links clicked, likes or comments) was 766. Total reach of posts (number of people that saw a post in their feed) was 12,042 with 24,253 impressions (number of times a GDI page appeared in others news feeds). The most popular post was the DTI GED/Apprenticeship program ad, reaching 2,612 people and 84 Likes, comments and shares. This was closely followed by the Funding Renewal post, with 2,099 people reached and 81 likes, comments and shares.
Twitter (https://twitter.com/gdins_org): 29 tweets earned 12,800 impressions. There were30 new followers in the month, 42 mentions and 1,260 profile visits. The top tweet was Michael Relland at the inaugural GDI-University of Regina Master of Education graduation, earning 677 impressions. Top mention was Cory MacDougall and James Oloo at the same grad ceremony with 33 engagements. Top media tweet was Joselyn Britton, Red Seal Sous Chef then and now with 638 impressions. We currently have 459 followers.
Windows 10
The work on evaluating Windows 10 has begun. After a few early glitches this is now being tested on a few machines at the Finance Department. So far most functions operate as normal.
Some of you may have noticed a popup on your computer about upgrading to Windows 10. This came as part of the normal updates to Windows 7, and offers a free upgrade. This link is valid, and not spam or malicious software. However, as an organization we are not ready for Windows 10. Please do not install this upgrade on your computers at this point. There is a way to remove the popup from the computers. Please contact IT for assistance with this.
Closing Thought
My reality check bounced!!!