Gabriel Dumont Institue

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gee meeyo pimawtshinawn (It Was a Good Life)


Heritage Saskatchewan is very proud to partner with Gabriel Dumont Institute to publish this work. The stories and art within it contain courage, humour, and resilience. Their experiences tell us much about Michif living heritage on the prairies.

How this project came to be: In the fall of 2017, Russell Fayant from Gabriel Dumont Institute, invited Kristin Catherwood, Heritage Saskatchewan’s Director of Living Heritage, to present about documenting living heritage to his Indigenous Studies 221 (Métis History) class. Inspired by the students’ interest, Russell and Kristin conceived the idea for this living heritage documentation project. Shortly thereafter, two other members joined the team, including: Brenna Pacholko, instructor in Arts Education at SUNTEP; and Marieke de Roos, Project Designer.

This book is dedicated to toot lii vyeu pi lii vyay Michif (The Michif Old Ones) who managed to visit, dance, sing, raise families, tell stories, build community, and resist assimilation while living in coulees and other marginalized pieces of land across this province.

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SKU: 9781926795928 Category:


Heritage Saskatchewan is very proud to partner with Gabriel Dumont Institute to publish this work. The stories and art within it contain courage, humour, and resilience. Their experiences tell us much about Michif living heritage on the prairies.

How this project came to be: In the fall of 2017, Russell Fayant from Gabriel Dumont Institute, invited Kristin Catherwood, Heritage Saskatchewan’s Director of Living Heritage, to present about documenting living heritage to his Indigenous Studies 221 (Métis History) class. Inspired by the students’ interest, Russell and Kristin conceived the idea for this living heritage documentation project. Shortly thereafter, two other members joined the team, including: Brenna Pacholko, instructor in Arts Education at SUNTEP; and Marieke de Roos, Project Designer.

This book is dedicated to toot lii vyeu pi lii vyay Michif (The Michif Old Ones) who managed to visit, dance, sing, raise families, tell stories, build community, and resist assimilation while living in coulees and other marginalized pieces of land across this province.

Also available as a free PDF!


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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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