Gabriel Dumont Institue


SUNTEP Prince Albert Christmas Hamper Program

By Beige Unger

Jan 11, 2021

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Photo submitted by Beige Unger

The students and faculty at Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program (SUNTEP) Prince Albert have been busy this month bringing a little merry and bright to local families in need this Christmas.  For approximately the past 12 years, SUNTEP has partnered with local schools to sponsor a family at Christmas, not knowing that by 2020 those small acts of kindness would grow into a hamper program that helps numerous local schools in the city.

Students in the first, second, and third year of the program do everything from making personal donations, gathering donations from outside businesses and family, shopping, and wrapping. Hampers include the fixings for a full traditional Christmas dinner, additional groceries to carry families through the holiday season, gifts and treats for children in the family, as well as family activities such as board games and sliding equipment. This year with the donations received and hard work students and faculty put in, we were able to partner with six different schools in the city, providing hampers to six families in need.

The hamper program brings our SUNTEP family together. Students are instilled with a keen understanding of what can be done when we work together to help others. The program helps students to see first hand the connection between schools and families, and prepares them for some of the duties they will have as future teachers in the city. The schools involved host many SUNTEP students during the Extended Practicum as well as Field Experiences and the additional connection helps students to feel a part of their communities.

Faculty and students at SUNTEP Prince Albert hope to be able to continue to expand the hamper program in the coming years to bring joy and kindness to more schools and families in the city.

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