Gabriel Dumont Institue


The New Nation – Fall 2020 Edition

Oct 8, 2020

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The fall edition of The New Nation: La noovel naasyoon magazine is now available. Published by the Gabriel Dumont Institute, the quarterly New Nation magazine promotes Métis culture, highlights GDI’s programs and successes, and showcases good-news stories of Métis across the province. We are pleased to provide free access to the magazine on the Virtual Museum for Métis History and Culture. A limited print run will also be available.

The fall issue contains numerous GDI program updates, including an exciting new funding announcement about our Métis Entrepreneurship program, which operates in partnership with the Clarence Campeau Development Fund (CCDF) and the Sask Métis Economic Development Corporation (SMEDCO). An article on the Métis Nation University sponsorship program will bring you up-to-date on the latest round of funding supports for Métis attending university.

It’s our aim to celebrate community and achievement in the New Nation. About forty percent of the articles in this issue are dedicated to community happenings—news by and about Métis people and places around the province, including an interview about a fascinating new book examining the disappearance of Métis activist Jim Brady in Northern Saskatchewan.

As always, thank you for your support for the Gabriel Dumont Institute. We hope you enjoy the fall issue of The New Nation: La noovel naasyoon.

More info can be found here: The New Nation

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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