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Robert McCarthy

“Robert successfully completed the Practical Nursing Program and has been hired to begin his career in the Neurology Unit at the Royal University Hospital.”


DTI Saskatoon Practical Nursing Program

Robert McCarthy began the Gabriel Dumont Institute adult basic education and skills training branch, Dumont Technical Institute’s (DTI) Practical Nursing Program in Saskatoon in 2013.

Despite some major obstacles being handed to him in his first year of the Practical Nursing Program, Robert’s determination and high expectations ensured his success. Robert did not initially obtain funding when he entered the program, which resulted in some financial struggle. Robert added to the already heavy workload of being a practical nursing student by continuing to work as a Continuing Care Assistant to support his family. Robert also endured surgery due to some health challenges in his first year of studies.

Robert was the only male student in his class, and his instructor noted, “he had very good marks throughout and I really appreciate the fact that he provided a great balance to the classroom and remained focused despite the other stressors he was dealing with”.

Robert successfully completed the Practical Nursing Program and has been hired to begin his career in the Neurology Unit at the Royal University Hospital.


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Gabriel Dumont Institue

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