Gabriel Dumont Institue

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Lebret—Looking Back and Beyond: An Autobiography


Lebret—Looking Back and Beyond is a poignant coming-of-age memoir of growing up as a Michif child in Lebret, Saskatchewan. Rich in stories and memory, Lebret is steeped in Michif culture and was the site of several Métis road allowance communities and a government-run Métis rehabilitative farm. First-time author Joan Pelletier takes readers back to a simpler, gentler time and place before the devasting disruption of having to leave her loving, supportive Michif family and road allowance community for the unfriendly and unfamiliar confines of the big city.



Lebret—Looking Back and Beyond is a poignant coming-of-age memoir of growing up as a Michif child in Lebret, Saskatchewan. Rich in stories and memory, Lebret is steeped in Michif culture and was the site of several Métis road allowance communities and a government-run Métis rehabilitative farm. First-time author Joan Pelletier takes readers back to a simpler, gentler time and place before the devasting disruption of having to leave her loving, supportive Michif family and road allowance community for the unfriendly and unfamiliar confines of the big city.

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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