Gabriel Dumont Institue

SUNTEP Course Evaluation (Regina)

Course evaluations are an invaluable tool for providing feedback and is helpful in improving our courses for our future program delivery. Classes evolve and change with feedback from students, cooperating teachers and advisors. We are providing an online Course Evaluation system for the fall 2021 SUNTEP Regina courses. SUNTEP values and appreciates your feedback.

This process will ask you for your name and it is purely for data verification, and not submitted with the results.

Please review the courses listed below, and complete the evaluation form for each class in which you were enrolled.

This form is available until December 6th, 2021. You are eligible for a $20.00 Tim Horton’s gift card when you complete all your course evaluations.

Submission Deadline passed

Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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