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Michif French Survival Guide

Let’s Speak Michif (Michif French Edition)

Let's Speak Michif

Let's Speak Michif(Allon parlii michif)

For learners who want to stay in the language while in the learning environment.(Layz apraanyair kii vou restii daan le laangazh pandaan kii lapraan lenveronmaan.)


Can you (singular and plural) see me?(Peutchuu mwayr?)

Can you (singular and plural) see it?(Peutchuu leu wayr?)

See you (singular and plural) next time.(On va twayr anot fway.)


Can you (singular and plural) hear me?(Peutchuu maataan?)

Yes, I can hear you.(Wii, je peu taataan.)

No, I can’t hear you.(Non, je peu pa taataan.)

I can only hear you a little bit.(Je peu taataand aen pchi peu.)

Yes, I can hear it.(Wii, je peu aataan sa.)

No, I can’t hear it.(Non, je peu pa aataan sa.)



Do you (singular and plural) understand?(Vtchu kompraan?)

Yes, I understand.(Wii, je peu kompraan.)

Yes, I understand but I can’t remember the word.(Wii, je peu kompraan may jem rappel pa le moo.)

Yes, but I understand only a little bit.(Wii, may je kompraan aen pchi peu.)

No, I don’t understand.(Non, je kompraan pa.)


Do you (singular and plural) know?(Tekanatchu?)

No, I don’t know.(Non, je konnay pa.)


Do any of you (plural) remember?(Inyantuchu vouzootes kii saan rappel?)

No, I can’t remember.(Non, jem rappel pa.)

I know this! But I can’t remember right now.(Je konnay sa! May je peu pa maraplii toot swit.)


Please speak to me in the language.(Sil voo play parl moin a la laang.)

Let’s speak Michif only.(Allon parlii Michif toosull.)

Let’s not speak English.(Allon pa parlii aanglayn.)



Who said?

Practice Speaking

Am I saying this correctly?(Je djii sa koreck?)

I want to hear you speak.(Je veu tataand parlii.)

I want to hear you (plural) speak now.(Je veu tataand parlii toot swit.)

Practice asking each other.(Prachtikay a demaandii nouzootes.)

Try speaking to each other.(Assayay parlii a nouzootes.)

Try to say it more quickly.(Assayay djii sa plu vitt.)

Try to say it more slowly.(Assayay djii sa plu laantmaan.)

Repeat - Imitate

Repeat after that person.(Repoon apray set persun.)

Try to sound like that person, or that thing.(Assayay resaamb a set persun, ou set affair.)



What does _____ mean?(Keske sa _____ vudjiir?)

What is the name of this?(Keskesay le nom de sa?)

What is the name of that?(Keskesay le nom de sa?)

I want you to translate what this is _____ .(Je veu ketchu trandwiir a sa _____ .)



When will you be going?(Kaansay tchu taan va?)

When do you think she will be arriving?(Kaan saytchu paans k’elle va arrivii?)



How do you say _____ ?(Comma tchu djii _____ ?)

Asking Yes and No Questions

Is she going to be arriving?(Elle vatchu arrivii?)

Is he going to be arriving?(Ill vatchu arrivii?)

Are you having a good day?(Atchuvu aen bonn zhournii?)

Is she cooking it?(Elltchii apray ferr kwiir sa?)

Is he cooking it?(Illtchii apray ferr kwiir sa?)

Did you hang up your jacket?(Tatchu pandju ton zhilay?)

Did she do her work?(Elle atchu fet son oovrazh?)

Did he do his work?(Ill atchu fet son oovrazh?)

Can you bring that to me?(Peutchu mapportii sa?)

Did you have a good night?(Tatchu voo aen bonn nwii?)

Did you have a good morning?(Tatchu voo aen bonn mataen?)


She is drawing a picture.(Elle dessin aen portray.)

He is drawing a picture.(Ill dessin aen portray.)

I will draw a picture.(Je va dessinay aen portray.)



Can you write it down?(Peutchuu ayrcii sa?)

I should write it down.(Je devray aycrii sa.)

I will write to him.(Je va aycrirr a lwuii.)

I will write to her.(Je va aycrirr a elle.)

I will help him to write it.(Je va aiday luwii a aycrii sa.)

I will help her to write it.(Je va aiday elle a aycrii sa.)

Don’t write it down, just listen.(Aycrii pa sa, juss aykoot.)

Working On and Making Something

I am making _____.(Je tapray ferr _____ .)

I am working on _____ .(Je tapray travaii a _____ .)

What is she working on?(Keskell tapray travaii a?)

She is making _____ .(Elle tapray ferr _____ .)

He is making _____ .(Ill tapray ferr _____ .)

She is working on _____ .(Elle tapray travaii a _____ .)

He is working on _____ .(Ill tapray travaii a _____ .)

Doing Things

What are you guys doing?(Keustchu vouzootes fay la?)

I’ll do it. - I can do it.(Je va ferr.- Je peu ferr.)

What would you (singular and plural) like to do?(Kesketchu vu ferr?)

Do you (singular and plural) want to _____ ? (Insert verb.)(Vutchu _____ ?)

Did we do this already?(Oun atchu fet sa deja?)

Yes, we did this already.(Wii, onay fet sa deja.)

Last week we did that.(La smenn passay on a fet sa.)

Last class (lesson) we did it.(La denyayr claus onay fet sa.)

No, we haven’t done it yet.(Non, onna pa fet sa encor.)

Taking a Break

Should we keep going?(On vatchu contchunwiir?)

Yes, let’s keep going.(Wii, on va contchunwiir.)

It would be good to have a break.(Sasra bonn dawayr aen repose.)

I need a break.(Jem de sa dwayr aen repose.)

I’m tired. I need to rest.(Jui fatigue. Je bezwenn aen repose.)

I’ll be right back.(Je va veniir toot switt.)

I’ll be right there.(Je va et la toot switt.)

Do you want something - Do you need anything?(Vtchu awayr keukshouz?)

Do you want something to drink?(Vtchu awayr keukshouz poo bwair?)

Interacting During Breaks

Would you like something to eat?(Vtchu awayr keushouz poo maanzhii?)

I want to lie down for a little bit.(Je veu meu repoosii aen pchi peu.)

I want to rest a little.(Je veu meu repoosii aen pchi peu.)

How are you feeling?

How are you (singular and plural) feeling?(Comma tchu fill?)

I’m learning a lot.(J’apraan aen mass.)

I just need a moment alone.(Ja bwaswaen aen taan toot sull.)

I would like to speak to someone.(Jem reh sa parlii a kellkenn.)

Out and About

Let's walk this way.(J’va maarshay la baa.)

Let’s stop here for a little while.(Allon araytii icit pour aen pchit kous.)

Let’s sit here for a bit.(Allon sasiir icit pour aen pchit eskous.)


Bring It

Bring me something.(Emmen moin keukshouz.)

Choose One

Choose the one you think is correct.(Shwoosiir aen ketchu paans kii koreck.)

Give It

Give it to that person.(Denn sa a set persun.)

Playing Games

Do you want to play a game?(Vtchu zhwiir aen zhoo?)

Let's play a game.(Allon zhwiir aen zhoo.)

What game do you want to play?(Kell zhoo tchu vu zhwiir?)

Do you know how to play this game?(Konnaytchu zhwiir si zhoo la?)

We will play in teams.(On va zhwiir aen chimm.)

Let's play cards.(Allon zhwiir ou kaarts.)

Whose turn is it? - Who is next?(Stonn tour?)

It's my turn. - I'm next.(Say mon tour.)

It's your turn. - You're next.(Say ton tour.)

It's his turn. - He is next.(Say son tour.)

It's her turn. - She is next.(Say tell son tour.)

Playing Games Continued

All of you, write down your scores.(Toot vouzoute, aycrii vu pwoin.)

Ending Class

We will end it for the day.(On va finnir pour la zhournii.)

What day (date) is the next class?(Kell zhournii ay la dat pour la proshenn clauss?)

What time is the next class?(Kell eurr ay la proshenn clauss?)

We won't be having class next week.(On na pa de clauss pour la smenn proshenn.)

I won't be in class next week.(Jra pa daan la clauss la smenn prosheen.)

Thank you everyone (me to you plural).(Maarsii toot le moond.)

See you all next time (me to you plural).(On va toot vou wayr aen noot fway.)

See you next time (me to you singular).(On va vou wayr aen noot fway.)

Topics for One-on-One Immersion Part 1

Tell me a story about yourself, maybe your first childhood memory?(Djii moin enn histwayr de tway, ted bayn la premyayr memwayr daanfaan?)

Tell me a story of when you were little, what did you eat?(Djii moin enn histwayr kaan j’tay pchit, kwesta maanzhii?)

Tell me a story of when you were little, what did you do for fun?(Djii moin enn histwayr kaan j’tay pchit, kwesta fet pour ta musii?)

Tell me a story of when you were little, where did you live?(Djii moin enn histwayr kaan j’tay pchit, iivousta restay?)

Tell me a story about your grandma.(Djii moin enn histwayr de ta maymair.)

Tell me a story about your favourite aunt.(Djii moin enn histwayr de ta meyeur taant.)

Tell me a story about your grandpa.(Djii moin enn histwayr de ton paypair.)

Tell me a story about your favourite uncle.(Djii moin enn histwayr de ton meyeur oonk.)

Tell me a story about your cousins (male).(Djii moin enn histwayr de tay kouzzin.)

Tell me a story about you and your best friend.(Djii moin enn histwayr de tway ay ton meyeur aamii.)

Tell me an unusual story.(Djii moin enn histwayr par koonaab.)

Tell me about your parents.(Djii moin keukshouz de tii paraan.)

Topics for One-on-One Immersion Part 2

Tell me more about your mom.(Djii moin keukshouz de ta mawmaw.)

Tell me more about your dad.(Djii moin keukshouz de ton papa.)

Tell me about your siblings.(Djii moin keukshouz de tay frayr pwii tay seur.)

What is a favourite memory of yours?(Kesay ta meyeur memwayr de tway?)

Let's go for a drive together.(Allon va pour aen voyaazh aansaamb.)

Let’s look through these photos together.(Allon gardii lay portray aansaamb.)

Let's cook together.(Allon kwiir aansaamb.)

Let's play cards.(Allon zhwiir lii kaarts.)

Let’s play checkers or chess.(Allon zhwiir checkers ou chess.)

Let’s sit outside and describe what you see.(Allon sasiir dahor pwii gaardii kes konn way.)

Let’s sit outside by a fire and learn the terminology for making and building a fire.(Allon sasiir dahor pray dju fue pwii apraand le moo kommaan ferr aen botchuus a feu.)

Topics for One-on-One Immersion Part 3

Let’s go berry picking and you can teach me the terms in Michif for the process.(Allon raamaasii lii grenn pwii tou montrii le moo aen Michif pour comma le ferr.)

Let’s go visiting your relatives and I will sit and listen.(Allon s’promnii sur la paraantii pwii sasiir ay aykootii.)

Let’s go to the feast together and I will sit and listen.(Allon aansaamb a le gross festaen pwii sasiir ay aykootii.)

Let’s make soup and bannock and I will learn the terms for the process.(Allon ferr la soup pwii la gallette ay j’apraand le moo pour comma le ferr.)

Can you show me how to sew and speak Michif?(Peutchuu montrii comma kood ay parlii Michif?)

Can you show me how to knit and speak Michif?(Peutchuu montrii comma trikootii ay parlii Michif?)

Can you show me how to bead and speak Michif?(Peutchuu montrii comma ferr lii rasaad ay parlii Michif?)

Can you show me how to embroider and speak Michif?(Peutchuu montrii comma brawdii ay parlii Michif?)

Can you show me how to make _____ and speak Michif?(Peutchuu montrii comma ferr ______ ay parlii Michif?)

I will wash your laundry, but help me identify and learn the terminology about clothes, the washing machine and dryer.(Ja va laavay ton bitayn, pwii ja vat montrii comma djii le moo de ton laenzh, la maashinn a lavay ay la corr de laenzh.)

Topics for One-on-One Immersion Part 4

I will wash your dishes but help me identify the words for dishes and the kitchen.(J’va laavay ta visel, pwii mont moin le moo pour la visel ay la kwiizin.)

I will clean your house, but help me learn the words for sweeping, broom, vacuum, rug and wiping.(J’va netwayii ton mayzoon, pwii mont moin le moo balyii, balay, vacuum, tapii pwii ayswyii.)

I will rake and clean the yard, but help me identify the items needed for this type of work, leaves, rake, grass, chilly outside, etc.(J’va raatii pwii netwayii la koor, may mont moin le moo pour lii zaafayr pour le travail, feuay, raatou, fwaen, pwii ill fay fret dahor.)

I will take you to go and buy groceries, but teach me the language for the food items.(On va taamnii ashtii lii komisonn, pwii mont moin a parlii la laang pour lii komisonn.)

I will take you to the bank, but can you teach me the terms for banking, money, change, bag, wallet, and bank card?(On va taamnii a la baank, pwii mont moin le moo pour baankii, laarzhan, le shaanzh, de saak, bors, ay sa kaatr de baank?)

Can we look at this picture book and can you describe what it is you see?(Peutchu gaardii le liivr de portray pwii montrii keustchu way?)

Can you describe the weather for me, if it is sunny, rainy, snowing, dry, hot, thundering, etc.?(Peutchu montrii le taan pour moin, sii kil fay salayii, moyii, la niizh, sesh, shou, toneur, etc?)

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of Time

Gabriel Dumont Institue

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