Gabriel Dumont Institue


2017 Statutory Holidays and Christmas Break

Jun 14, 2017

Posted in:

By Jim Edmondson

There have been questions asked regarding exact dates when Gabriel Dumont Institute will close in celebration of Canada Day, Remembrance Day, and Christmas break in 2017. Please be advised of the following. July 1 falls on a Saturday, so as per requirements, the Canada Day statutory holiday moves ahead to Monday July 3, 2017. Remembrance Day will be on Saturday November 11, 2017. However, because Louis Riel Day (Thursday November 16) is in the following week, the Remembrance Day statutory holiday will move back to Friday November 10, 2017. The Institute will be closed during these statutory holidays.

As well, the Gabriel Dumont Institute Board has determined that the Institute will be closed from December 21, 2017 and re-open on Wednesday January 3, 2018 (December 22, 2017 – January 2, 2018 inclusive).

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