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COVID-19 – April 17th

Apr 17, 2020

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Student Updates

  • ABE Adult 10-12 Update
  • During the COVID pandemic, the provincial government together with post-secondary institutions, support Adult learners to continue their education towards completion.
  • The Adult Basic Education Adult 10-12 Instructional Framework provides policy direction to post-secondary institutions that is consistent with the direction provided to Grades 10-12 in the K-12 system.
  • Adult learners in credit programs will be provided similar opportunities as K-12 for supplemental learning, assessment and evaluation, grading, and transition.
  • A minimum final mark of 50 percent or greater will be applied to the outcomes evaluated to-date in the subject areas as of March 13, 2020. Adult learners will be afforded the opportunity to improve their marks through supplemental learning.
  • Adult learners will not be penalized for committing to supplemental learning. If a learner’s grade goes down by the end of supplemental learning, their final grade will be the mark recorded as of March 13, 2020 (50 per cent or greater).
  • Adult learners will be encouraged to continue learning; however, if they are not able to, they will be assigned their grade as of March 13, 2020.
  • Provincial examinations are waived from March 13, 2020 through to the end of June 2020 for Adult learners engaged blended programs (now 100% instructor marks) or programs taught by non-accredited instructors.
  • No differentiation will be made on transcripts administered from the K-12 system to denote students who engaged in supplemental learning versus students who chose not to and were assigned the grade they had as of March 13, 2020.


  • Provincial Training Allowance (PTA)
    • For students funded by PTA, funding will continue to the program end date. After this time, students must transfer to another means of financial support.


  • Gabriel Dumont Institute Training & Employment Funded Clients:
    • GDITE funded clients whose programs are interrupted or altered will not have their income support, dependent care, and other non-travel-related allowances penalized, reduced, or cancelled.
    • Additional supports for tutoring are also being offered to funded clients.
    • GDITE funded clients whose programs are cancelled due to COVID-19 will be allowed a one-time amendment to program start and/or end dates.
    • GDITE clients who are still in training and applying for EI/CERB should let their employment counsellor know ASAP.


  • GDI Graduation Ceremonies
    • All graduation ceremonies and events for all GDI/DTI/GDC programs to June 30, 2020 are postponed. Rescheduling to celebrate/mark graduations will be assessed in the future.


Public Updates

  • GDI facilities and service offices are closed to public access. Students and clients may be served by appointment and/or remotely. Call GDI toll-free at 1-877-488-6888.



  • GDI Golf Tournament
    • The GDI Golf Tournament, scheduled for May 29, 2020, is postponed. A tentative future date is August 21, 2020. Contact scholarships@gdins.org for more info.





COVID-19 Information Online

Residents of Saskatchewan can go to www.saskatchewan.ca/COVID19  for the latest COVID-19 information.


We encourage the entire GDI community to continue to follow preventative actions, including:

  • Practice proper cough and sneezing etiquette;
  • Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
  • Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands;
  • Maintain safe food practices; and,
  • Use social distancing of two meters (six feet) between yourself and others.


The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency’s (SPSA) toll free line, 1-855-559-5502, is now being offered 24 hours, 7 days a week.  The SPSA toll free line was established in order to answer non-health specific questions about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Métis Nation


Métis-specific emergency response

*Full program details and instructions available on the MN-S website

On March 31, 2020 the Métis Nation Saskatchewan announced $2.88 million for immediate emergency COVID-19 relief measures for childcare, housing, and PPE. Below is a summary.


UPDATED — MN–S Emergency Housing Support Program

  • The MN-S recognizes that many people are being stretched financially and emotionally by the COVID-19 crisis.
  • The MN-S Housing Support Program has been put in place to help those struggling to make ends meet.
  • MNS has provided emergency funds to each region to assist households in meeting household expenses during COVID-19 pandemic crisis. These funds are meant to supplement, not to replace income.
  • Please note: the Regions are responsible for determining the eligibility and dollar amounts based on need for each request as funding is limited.
  • Download the application for emergency relief funds here and submit the completed application to your regional office.
  • Contact your Regional rep to register for emergency funds / 1-833-343-8391


MN–S Childcare Support

  • One-time $500 per child to a maximum of $2,500
  • Children must be under 10; registered MN–S citizens; resident of SK for the past 6 months
  • An MN–S daycare for first responders and emergency workers will also be available
  • Full criteria and online applications are available on the MN–S website.
  • You can access the application here. Submit the completed application to childcare@mns.work.
  • Contact Lisa Fleming at lfleming@mns.work or 1-833-343-8391


MN–S Personal Protective Equipment Program

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may include hand sanitizer, masks, disinfectant cleaning supplies, gloves, clinical thermometers
  • Available to registered and self-identifying Métis
  • MN–S will access and distribute supplies and Regions will identify at-risk Métis
  • Identify need to your Regional representative / 1-833-343-8391



For further information phone the MN–S toll-free number at 1-833-343-8391.


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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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