Dec 10, 2019
Posted in: Office Administration
The 13th annual Gabriel Dumont Institute Saskatoon staff Secret Santa gift exchange will be held on Wednesday December 18, 2019 at the 1003-22nd Street West Building. This will be done over lunch hour (12pm to 1pm) in the Community Room. For more information, please contact Randi Ross at
The annual Gabriel Dumont Institute Christmas luncheon will take place on December 20, 2019 at the Saskatoon Inn at 11:30 am, in conjunction with our December board meeting. It is expected that those who plan to attend have already confirmed their attendance with Rhonda Pilon (
The last day of work before Christmas break is December 20, 2019. Gabriel Dumont Institute will reopen on Thursday January 2, 2020. Please see page 5 for the December 2019 Payroll Cutoff Calendar. If you have any questions, please contact Robbie Walliser at
It has been a great year!
By James Oloo