Gabriel Dumont Institue


ISET Transfer

Jul 31, 2024

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On April 6, 2024, Employment and Social Development Canada transferred the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program (ISET) agreement to the Métis Nation—Saskatchewan (MN—S). This agreement transfer is part of the Canadian government’s commitment to nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous governing bodies across Canada.

The ISET agreement offers employment services based on the needs and priorities of Indigenous people. Under the ISET program, Indigenous people can access a variety of funded and non-funded wrap-around services to secure meaningful employment.

Since 2006, the Gabriel Dumont Institute has held the ISET agreement and delivered the program to thousands of Métis citizens at an optimal capacity rating. Last year, GDI distributed over $12 million in funding and sponsorship directly to Métis students and clients. As a community-based organization, the Institute has 14 province-wide service delivery locations and provides an additional 37 communities with ISET-funded outreach services. Due to the longstanding success of GDI’s delivery of the ISET program, the MN—S has subcontracted the Institute to remain the ISET service-delivery organization until the end of the ISET contract in 2029.

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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