Gabriel Dumont Institue


New cohort of students complete Indigenous Community-Based Master of Education Program

By Derek Cornet, La Ronge Now

Jul 31, 2024

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Photo by Bethani Groat, GDI Communications Coordinator

A new group of post-secondary students finished their studies in an Indigenous Community-Based Master of Education Program in La Ronge this week.

“A lot of them are from different communities in Northern Saskatchewan, so this is not just having an impact in La Ronge, it is having an impact across the North,” said Viviana Ruiz Arcand, who was the group’s final sessional instructor.

“With me, basically the students had to bring everything together what they have learned over the last two and half years and share what they had learned. They had to bring their knowledge together and create a project that was looking at implementation, budget, timelines, theoretical foundations through a literature review, and participating in class around different topics related to education. I personally feel a wealth of knowledge was shared.”

Read the rest of the story on the La Ronge Now website:

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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