Gabriel Dumont Institue


Office Administration Students’ Career Paths

Jun 14, 2017

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By Tracy LaPrise and Dr. Elizabeth Majocha

The Dumont Technical Institute Office Administration program held its graduation ceremony this month. The graduates included Annette Melnychuk, Cindy Peters, Michelle Gardiner, Amanda Mossman, Ashley Fleury, Jessica Parker, Chet Montgrand, Sara Belair, Kelsey Hignett, Shivon Tinker, Gail Parker, and Fiona Robertson.

The twelve-student cohort 2017 is eager to commence the opening of a new chapter in their lives. Indeed, eight will begin their career through Aboriginal Career Start (ACS) program offered through University of Saskatchewan in partnership with Gabriel Dumont Institute (GDI). The partnership on ACS program began in January 2016 with a meeting between Dumont Technical Institute’s Tracy LaPrise, Brett Vandale, and Dr. Elizabeth Majocha, and the University of Saskatchewan’s Diversity and Inclusion Consultant Elizabeth Duret and Recruitment Specialist Paul Sayers (with assistance from other notable individuals from both institutions). The ACS program offers job placements to the Dumont Technical Institute Office Administration graduates across the University of Saskatchewan. Other partners in the ACS program include GDI Training & Employment, the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies and the Saskatoon Tribal Council.

Having successfully impressed Ms. Duret and Mr. Sayers with their résumés and interviews, eight office administration students were invited, along with Tracy LaPrise and Dr. Elizabeth Majocha, to attend the Aboriginal Career Start: Soft Launch in April listen to speakers and were given an opportunity to network with administrators (who attended the gala event) from various departments within the campus. The following participants will begin their ACS training on June 1: Ashley Fleury, Michelle Gardiner, Chet Montgrand, Gail Parker, Jessica Parker, Cindy Peters, Fiona Robertson, and Shivon Tinker.

Four office administration students had their practicum placements with employers arranged: Sara Belair, International Indigenous Speakers Bureau; Kelsey Hignett, CAMPONI; Amanda Mossman, Saskatoon Public School Division; and Annette Melynchuk, Corrections Canada. It is their hope that they will attain permanent full-time employment following their respective practicums.

The ACS program involves a two-week training course to acquaint participants on the etiquette and policies of University of Saskatchewan. The program prepares participants holistically for their chosen career path at the university. Upon successful completion of the ACS program, each participant will work in specific departments throughout the campus under the mentorship and supervision of Paul Sayers and with the assistance of the GDI Training & Employment wage subsidies. They will also have the opportunity to apply for full-time positions at the university.

The ACS program provided placements for our 2016 Office Administration graduates with full-time permanent employment at the University of Saskatchewan: Vanessa Montgrand, Clerical Assistant, Undergraduate Recruitment-SESD; Deana Thunderchild, Graduate Administrator, Biochemistry, College of Medicine; Sharon Robertson, Travel and Expense Administrator, Connection Point; Connie Dodge, Service Agent, Connection Point; Kristen Debray, Clerk, College of Medicine; and Cheyenne Jones, Clerk, Dean’s Office, University Library. These students have set the bar of high standard of excellence for others to emulate. Further, the fact that the Class of 2016 got permanent jobs and Class of 2017 are in the program speaks to ACS success and effectiveness.

The staff at Gabriel Dumont Institute is immensely proud of the achievements of our office administration students. They have taken a pro-active process of gaining relevant knowledge, skills, and experience, as well as discovering their strengths and interests, and learning from others. Their success speaks volumes in their determination and tenacity to succeed amongst the day-to-day challenges they each are faced with. They are role models for future office administration contenders. Congratulations Office Administration graduates!


2017 Office Administration Graduates

(Left to right:  Annette Melnychuk, Cindy Peters, Michelle Gardiner, Amanda Mossman, Ashley Fleury,

Jessica Parker, Chet Montgrand, Sara Belair, Kelsey Hignett, Shivon Tinker, Gail Parker.)


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