Gabriel Dumont Institue


Success Story: Garrison Parker

May 3, 2017

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Garrison Parker left school without a high school diploma, and as time went by, started giving a serious thought about his future. He then came to Dumont Technical Institute for advice on what options were available to him regarding.

Garrison soon joined the Dumont Technical Institute’s Adult Basic Education (ABE) program in which he excelled and graduated with a high school diploma. He is currently enrolled in the Dumont Technical Institute practical nursing program in Saskatoon and is expected to graduate in May 2017. His goal is a career in the Saskatchewan health sector.

Garrison noted that “Dumont Technical Institute accommodated my needs through the flexibility of its ABE program. I upgraded while working full time.” Garrison has overcome numerous obstacles and struggles throughout the years of upgrading his Grade 12 and starting his practical nursing program. He says, “DTI staff is supportive and understanding of the challenges that face students. Their support and encouragement, together with the family-atmosphere at the Institute has been very good.”

Garrison’s future career goals and aspirations include working as a flight nurse with STARS Air Ambulance. We are confident that Garrison can achieve whatever he puts his mind into. We have seen him grow over the years and admire his motivation and desire to succeed. Garrison’s future looks bright and Dumont Technical Institute is glad to have been a part of that journey.

A recent article by PayScale Human Capital, ‘Soon, a High School Diploma Won’t Get You a Job Anywhere,’ drew a lot of comments in the social media. The article pointed out that while there are industry leaders without college education, “(T)he cold, hard truth … is, a college (education) is now more important than ever.” This is evident by Garrison’s experience.

Dumont Technical Institute was founded in 1992 as part of Gabriel Dumont Institute on the principle that the Métis people of Saskatchewan should have access to quality Adult Basic Education and skills training at a Métis-owned post-secondary and cultural institution. Today, 25 years later, our motto of “Learners Come First” is alive and strong as manifested in education and employment outcomes for our students and graduates. For more information about Dumont Technical Institute practical nursing program, please contact Candy Schiele, Program Coordinator, at or 1-877-488-6888.

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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