GDI’s Pathways program provides unique supports to Métis entrepreneurs who are looking to create, maintain, or expand a business. The overall goal is to increase Métis entrepreneurship and economic growth in Saskatchewan.
Applicant Eligibility:
To apply for Pathways funded supports you must:
Ineligible businesses include:
You will be required to attach a copy of the following to the application linked above. Please have these items ready to attach:
Feel free to call our office at 306-657-2290 or email if you have any questions. Adobe filled applications will be received upon submission. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.
Free Resources:
GDI is partnering with Magnaltus Consulting to launch a new, no nonsense Fast-Track Business Start-up Workshop. CLICK HERE for more details.
Pathways for Entrepreneurship Workbook – use this book to refine your business idea and help to decide if entrepreneurship is right for you!
Are you interested in taking training related to entrepreneurship, marketing, bookkeeping, or other areas to develop or grow your business? GDI may assist in funding tuition, books, and other costs associated with training. A living allowance may be applicable when attending in-class training. In-province and/or for-credit training programs are prioritized.
Are you a current business owner looking to attend industry training to expand and strengthen your business? For example, a self-employed welder may need safety ticket training or additional welding certifications to expand service offerings. GDI may assist in funding tuition, books, and other costs associated with training on a case-by-case basis. A living allowance may be applicable when attending training.
Business professionals and consultants can greatly enhance the ability for businesses to be successful and profitable. Business decisions and strategies often require the involvement of a skilled professional.
Examples of eligible professional services may include:
Professional Services that are not eligible include, but are not limited to:
Undercapitalization is a common problem for new businesses and start-ups, as positive cash flows are minimal or may be non-existent. If you have completed a professional business plan and secured financial commitment (if required), you may be eligible to receive a transition allowance for up to 26 weeks.
GDI may provide applicants who are starting their first business $500 when they make their fist customer sale.