Gabriel Dumont Institue


2023 Order of Gabriel Dumont Awards

By Desirae Barker, Senior Program Coordinator, Research and Communications

Mar 31, 2023

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Seven well-deserving Métis leaders were inducted into the Order of Gabriel Dumont at a special awards ceremony held in conjunction with the GDI Culture & Heritage’s National Michif Speakers Conference on March 22, 2023, in Saskatoon.

The event was opened with a prayer by Senator Nora Cummings and the Métis National Anthem by Angela Rancourt. Following this were welcoming remarks from the Gabriel Dumont Institute Board and Executive.

Silver medals were awarded to both Margaret Harrison and Verna Demontigny. Margaret is an accomplished Métis textile artist featured in various museum exhibits across Canada, and Verna is a Knowledge Keeper dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and revitalization of the Michif language.

Gold medals were awarded to Dale McAuley, Michael Relland, Edwin and Harriet St. Pierre, and Sophie McDougall. Dale has been a community leader and active in the Métis community for over 30 years; Michael is a Métis educator with 37 years of teaching experience; Edwin is both a veteran and community-minded Elder who tirelessly serves at various Métis cultural events across the province; Harriet is passionately involved in sharing her wisdom and Michif language to students of all ages; and Sophie is an active Elder, Language Keeper, and has been a guiding force in various Michif language preservation efforts.

“Each of this year’s recipients are pillars in their home communities. Their life’s work has been dedicated to preserving, promoting, and revitalizing Métis culture in their own distinct ways; through language, education, leadership, and, art,” said Lisa-Bird Wilson.

Since the inception of the Order of Gabriel Dumont, GDI has invested 98 remarkable individuals into the Order in all three categories: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Nominations for the 2024 Order of Gabriel Dumont Gold and Silver Awards will open in fall 2023. For more information please visit:


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