Gabriel Dumont Institue


$29K Raised for Gabriel Dumont Scholarship Foundation at 9th Annual Golf Tournament

By Desirae Barker

Jan 16, 2023

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The 9th Annual Gabriel Dumont Scholarship Foundation (GDSF) Golf Tournament, held on September 23rd, 2022, proved to be a great success!

A strong showing of approximately 125 golfers took part in the shotgun start at Moon Lake Golf and Country Club in Saskatoon, with all proceeds supporting the continued success of Métis students through GDSF.

The Gabriel Dumont Institute has been administering scholarships for Saskatchewan’s Métis since the early 1980s through its scholarship foundation trust. The scholarship fund is based on a $3.6 million capital investment and scholarships are awarded on the interest earned on the fund’s principal and through individual corporate partnership donations.

This year saw an increase in sponsorships, with just over 25 corporate event sponsors! It is thanks to our sponsors and the contributions of each golfer that we are proud to announce the tournament raised $29,181.50 for the scholarship foundation!

“This kind of support and commitment from staff, sponsors, and golfers is what truly makes our tournament a success. We’re incredibly thankful for the hard work and generosity of everyone who participated in our event,” said Amy Briley, GDSF Senior Program Coordinator, and tournament organizer.

Mark your calendars! The 10th Annual GDSF Golf Tournament will be held next spring on May 26, 2023.

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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