Gabriel Dumont Institue


ERP Update

By Gary Kichula, Program Head, GDI Human Resources

Jan 30, 2023

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The Phase 1 build of the new ERPx system is progressing with Carlton Trail College and North West College starting the final testing stage during the last week of January. The Phase 1 testing process is scheduled to run until March 1, 2023. Once this testing has completed, the Phase 1 colleges will move towards full implementation and Phase 2 of the build will commence with the Parkland College and Cumberland College system.

GDI is included in the Phase 3 component of this build together with Northlands College, Great Plains College and Southeast Regional College. The planned commencement date for Phase 3 is May 31, 2023. It is at this point Unit 4 will begin the GDI specific build. Testing of this build is scheduled to commence in July 2023 with an anticipated “go live” implementation date of November 2023. The GDI implementation team is currently working on a data consolidation and verification process in readiness for the Phase 3 build. This process involves “cleaning up” older records in the current Great Plains system and preparing data for import to the ERPx system.

GDI Bi-Weekly Info Meetings

Due to the nature of this build process, GDI has temporarily paused the internal bi-weekly ERP meetings but anticipate re-starting these sessions near the end of February once we have additional information to share with staff.

GDI ERP Info Sharing Site

The GDI ERP info sharing site is still available, and accessible, for all staff who are interested. On this site the Institute has shared documentation and videos outlining the new ERP system. Documentation will continually be added as it becomes available.

To access the site visit:

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