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Second Métis Veteran’s Monument Engraving

By Karissa Johnson, Research and Communications

Feb 27, 2023

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The Monument, installed at Batoche, was first engraved with 5, 418 names of veterans’ when it was unveiled in 2014. In October 2022, a second engraving added 307 names to the monument. To date, there are a total of 5, 725 names engraved. The monument serves to honour and pay respects to Métis servicepeople.

GDI is continually collecting names for future engravings. If you would like to honour a past or present veteran, contact Gabriel Dumont Institute at veterans@gdins.org with information such as their name, service number and dates, and how they were involved.

To find names that have been engraved, visit: www.metismuseum.ca/metisveteransmonument/index.php or download the Métis Veteran’s Monument app.

The second engraving was made possible by donations from individuals and families, and by the MN-S, who offered 50% of the cost. Donations are accepted on an ongoing basis for the maintenance and engraving of the monument. You can visit Shop GDI to make a donation and receive complimentary items, or purchase a tribute package, where contributions go towards the monument.

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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