Gabriel Dumont Institue


University of Regina and Gabriel Dumont Institute sign new, expanded, affiliation agreement

Oct 23, 2019

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Métis education in Saskatchewan took an important step forward today as the University of Regina announced a new affiliation agreement with the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research (GDI), as well as a renewed agreement for the Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program (SUNTEP), which is also offered through GDI.

The affiliation agreement with GDI allows for programs delivered through that organization to be recognized as university caliber, and to have them accredited by the Senate of the University. As well, it opens the door to the joint development of other programs and educational initiatives in order to address the post-secondary education needs of students of Métis ancestry in Saskatchewan.

“Gabriel Dumont Institute has partnered with the University of Regina for four decades,” says Dr. Earl Cook, Minister of Education, Métis Nation – Saskatchewan and Chair, Gabriel Dumont Institute Board of Governors. “To date over 270 Indigenous students have graduated from SUNTEP at the University of Regina campus, and another 70 students have completed their Master of Education degrees in Prince Albert. The new affiliation agreement is another critical step in continuing our mandate of expanding educational opportunities for Métis students.”


The full press release can be found here

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Gabriel Dumont Institue

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