Gabriel Dumont Institue

Veterans Monument

The National Métis Veterans’ Memorial Monument has been engraved in honour of all Métis veterans.  The monument has taken years of planning and fundraising. It was first unveiled in July, 2014, marking the achievement of its installation at Batoche. The names of veterans have been collected over many years of research and collaboration with others as well as submissions from the friends and families of Métis veterans. While it is sad to acknowledge that thousands of Métis deserve the inscription, we are proud to honour and commemorate over 5,000 veterans with this first engraving on the monument.  Fundraising for the monument’s upkeep and future engravings will be ongoing so veterans who are unknown to us at this time can be added in years to come.  The monument will forever be a place to pay our respects to Métis servicemen and servicewomen.

You can search this list or download this PDF to locate the names of veterans name locations and then either view them in person or online from the photographs of the columns of the monument: Métis Veterans’ Memorial Monument Column Photographs.

If you are looking up many names, you can print out the following .pdf to write the column locations of the veterans you’re searching for in one place: Métis Veterans’ Memorial Monument Column Locator.

The monument is available for viewing and searching online at:

NOTE: The Institute does not conduct genealogical research. Links to Metis veteran information can be found here: Métis Veterans Genealogical Information.


Additional Engraving of names for the Métis Veterans Memorial Monument


This is a call for the names of Métis veterans that will be included on additional engraving of the Métis Veterans Memorial Monument. Additional engravings, perhaps years apart, will take place as the resources for such a purpose, and additional names, become available.

The call for names has been ongoing since July, 2010.  Since then nearly five thousand names have been submitted. This large number is a mournful testimony to the commitment and bravery of Métis men and women who have valiantly served the Métis Nation and Canada. As high as this number is, we know there are more Métis veterans to honour and we ask your assistance to submit additional names for this recognition.

Please use the Métis Veterans Info Submission Form which you can download below to submit information.  You can print the form, complete it, and mail it or if you prefer, email.  First download it, then fill it out, and use the “save as” option to keep it on your computer, and then email it.


The importance of Métis veterans to the Métis community cannot be understated. Our veterans occupy a point of honour at all Métis gatherings and cultural events. The proposed Métis Veterans Memorial Monument will be built in Batoche, Sask., a site sacred to the Métis, and will be a landmark for generations of Métis people to gather and pay homage to the men and women who have served our country.

The Métis Veterans Memorial Monument Project is supported by the Métis community by way of a Métis National Council Annual General Assembly resolution and a Métis Nation – Saskatchewan Provincial Métis Council resolution. In July 2010, Métis honour runners ran 100 kilometers to raise funds and show support for the project.


The cost to build this monument is over $300,000. To date, we have raised more than $200,000 and are seeking the balance from corporate sponsorship, private donations, and community fundraising activities.

Please consider supporting the Métis Veterans Memorial Monument Project.

All donations over $10 are eligible for a tax receipt issued from GDI, which is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization.

Donations over $25 will receive the CD Honouring Our Heroes: A Tribute to Métis Veterans, featuring Métis performing artists Donny Parenteau, Andrea Menard, Ray St. Germain, Jess Lee, Mike Gouchie, and Krystle Pederson.

Donations over $50 will also receive the book Métis Soldiers of Saskatchewan: 1914-1953 by Cathy Littlejohn.

Your donation can be sent to the Gabriel Dumont Institute. Please clearly indicate that the donation is for the Métis Veterans Monument. Donations of $25 or more can be placed through our online store.


Our goal is to ensure the monument recognizes and honours all of our Métis veterans, past and present. If you know of a Métis veteran who should be recognized, please provide the following information to the Gabriel Dumont Institute:

  • Veteran’s full name
  • Service number, rank, branch (army, navy, air) and unit served
  • Dates of service (enlistment and discharge)
  • Date of birth (and death, if deceased, and whether “Killed in Action” is applicable)
  • Conflicts (First World War, Second World War, Korean War, etc.)
  • Overseas service

You can use this typable PDF to submit your information: Métis Veterans Info Submission Form. If you choose to use this form, please print the document and mail to the address below.

You can also email the information to , or mail your information to the address below.

Métis Veterans Memorial Project
C/o Gabriel Dumont Institute
917 22nd Street West
Saskatoon, SK  S7M 0R9

Donations to the monument can be made to the address above, as well as by purchasing products in the Veterans Monument section of our website:  100% of the proceeds from those sales go towards the monument.


Gabriel Dumont Institue

GDI is a Saskatchewan-based educational, employment and cultural institute serving Métis across the province

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